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Friday, November 29, 2013

Everyday is Thanksgiving Day

We didn't have turkey for Thanksgiving... Oh, we don't have Thanksgiving Day. But Mom and I are thankful everyday for the blessings God is showering us with. 

I had chickies for dinner. Yum!

Sunday, November 24, 2013


I'm super happy today because of so many blessings!  First I got purrmoted to Bobcat rank in Cat Scouts.  I attended the investiture ceremony earlier.  Mom is so proud of me because I'm the first scout ever in my family. I'm proud to show you my Bobcat Purrmotion Card.

Then, when I thought that was it for today, I learned that I was given a super special award for my Cardwood Derby entry.  How pawsome is that! I did not win the competition, but I'm super happy for getting this special award.

Mom said to count my blessings and I am!  I'm definitely a one happy kitteh!

Thank you Mom for all the help.  Love ya!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Thankful Thursday

Look what I got!

My Cat Scout Membership Card. 
Woohoo! I got it in the mail this afternoon.

Then when Mom got home from work yesterday, she handed me a package from Sammy (Sam-o-ween).

I was so excited! Thank you, Sammy! I super love my new toys. As you can see, I couldn't wait to get the black one from its case.

Now I'm playing with it! I'm so happpeeeee!!!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

From Us to the World

After Super typhoon Yolanda (international name: Haiyan) made its landfall in Central Philippines almost two weeks ago, part of my country has been severly devastated. Not counting pets, there are 3,976 confirmed deaths, 1,598 missing and 18,175 injured (source: National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council). Help from all over the world came in. 

In our own simple way, Mom and I would like to take this opportunity to say...

From us to the world... THANK YOU!

Monday, November 18, 2013



Here I was watching Mom as she runs around the house, screaming, with a broom on her hand like a crazy lady. She was running away from a moth then chasing it to drive it away. Mom is scared of insects, including butterflies. Can you believe that? She said she's scared of the moth because it's big. I'm way bigger than the moth but she's not scared of me. Duh!

Sunday, November 17, 2013


Mouses! I'm not in the mood, Mom.

Look what I got... The Mouses! Award.

To pass it on, here are the rules.
1. Thank the blogger who gave you the MOUSES! Award. Thanks Raz, Allie, Ellie and Cubby of Friends Furever! √
2. Post the award somewhere on your blog. √
3. When acceptin’ the award, you need to use the word MOUSES! in a sentence.  For this requirement, you may also choose to use one of the many variations of MOUSES! if you so desire.  You know…  like…  mousin’, moused-up, etc…  √
4. Pass the MOUSES! Award on to two or more bloggers.  You can pass it along to as many as you like but please try for at least two so that the award is spread around the blogosphere and doesn’t fizzle out or anything.  And you’ll wanna pass the award on to bloggers whose work you read regularly and would therefore, sure as mouses recommend.  See what Nissy did there?  Yup, you spotted it.  He used a derivation of MOUSES! in a sentence.  He says, “Lead by example.”
Now I'm passing it on to...
1. Basil. My new furriend from Basil the Bionic Cat, also from Cat Scouts and...
2. Mario from Mario's Meowsings.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Cardwood Derby 2013

Something happened last night and I thought it will change everything for me like not being able to join the Cardwood Derby on Cat Scouts. I'd really be very, beyond me disappointed. Mom has been busy as usual but this time is different.  Mom is doubly busy because Ate Emy already left last night to go home.  I'm grateful for having her as part of our lives because she has been my playmate since Mom took me home.

Anyway, today is the start of Cat Scouts' Cardwood Derby.  I'm, of course, pawticipating!  I wouldn't put my troop down. By the way, I belong to the Worldwide Wildcats Troop headed by no other than Sammy!  This is a competition open to all Cat Scouts.

I'm truly excited to see all the entries. I'm getting mine ready.

Here's a short video of how we started making my car.

So... Let's start our engine!

Vroom!!! Vroom!!!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Friday, November 8, 2013

I Made a Boo Boo

Hello furriends!

I have so many things I wanted to share with you. So many things, so little time. I am behind with blog hopping too. Meow!

I got an email from Wally, Ernie and Zoey from the Island Cats and from Sammy and Mom Pam asking how we are now because they heard from the news that a huge storm is going to hit the Philippines. Yes, that's true. We're experiencing rains right now, but this super typhoon hit the middle part of our country (Visayas). Mom and I are on the upper part (Luzon) so we're safe. We prayed for those people from the Visayas region though. Ate Emy's family is from there.

Through Island Cats, I've also learned that our dear GJ has crossed the rainbow bridge already. We are heart broken again...

Last night, when Mom got home from work, I got an earful of sermon. Ate Emy told Mom what I did early last night. I went out of the balcony, went to our neighbor's and when Ate Emy saw me, I was doing a balancing act on the rails. It was like I was doing a tightrope stunt. Ohh... How I was reprimanded for it.  I thought I will never hear the last of it. 
"What were you thinking??? We're on the 17th floor! Are you crazy??? What if you've lost balance and fell off??? Huh??? Don't give me that look!"

 There goes my treats... Oh, cat!

On a lighter note, I am Cat Scout of the week! Woohoo! Couldn't have done it without the support of my furriends here at blogsville. I feel very much at home there because of familiar faces. Thank y'all for your support and cheering for me. I love y'all!

Monday, November 4, 2013

I'm Back... Blog4Peace

Hi furriends!

Thank you for all the purrs and advices you gave Mom. She said she's very grateful that I have such amazing furriends in blogsville. 

Mom and I got home yesterday. We had a lot of stuff to bring home so Mom borrowed the building's cart so we could put everything there... Including me. Haha!

Right now I'm feeling A-okay. Everything's back to normal. Mom asked me if I could massage her back again. I said, "Huh? What massage? I don't remember."

On a different note... Yipee!  I won the Sam-O-Ween contest! I got my very first online trophy. Isn't that cool? To everyone who voted for me... To Sammy and Mom Pam... THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

I am pro PEACE and wishes everyone PEACE in all aspects of life.

Sunday, November 3, 2013


Hi. Piper here again.

Thank you for all the purrs and advices. I truly appreciate them all. It worked magic!

Sushi's doing a lot better today. She started eating and drinking again. I think she's adjusted already, but we're going back home. I hope this will not cause another problem. Sushi has been running around the house like crazy again which is very much like her old self.

Let me share with you something cute she did. Early this morning I asked my Mom's helper to massage my achy back. Sushi was just looking at us, curious about what's going on. Sushi stepped on my back and started stomping. Maybe that's her own version of MASSAGE.

Anyway, when Sushi's up and about, she will be very happy to be back blogging. Who knows, that could be LATER.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Purrs Needed

Hi. Piper here.

I'm beginning to get worried about Sushi because since we got here at my Mom's place, she hasn't been eating the way she used to and she hasn't been drinking much. I have only scooped 3 small and hard pieces of poop since Wednesday from her litter box.  I tried feeding her Fancy Feast which she would normally gorged on. I also tried giving her pieces of Greenies treats and her usual dry cat food. It seems like she lost interest on them all together. I even tried to feed her human food, anything to get her to eat. She would try to play her favorite paper ball, whap it a few times then will walk slowly away from it. She would rather sleep all day.

Will bring her to the vet on Sunday, but in the mean time, what else can I do to help her?

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