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Sunday, September 18, 2016

Hello Furiends

Hi there! Just visiting to say hi to all of my furiends in the bloggy world. I miss all of you! I'm glad to have stayed in touch with some of you at Instagram - Austin Towers, Bionic Basil, Cody, Dezi, The Island Cats, Rascal and Rocco, Kitty Cat Chronicles, Tonks Tail, Pawsitively Pets and Speedy. Did I miss anyone? If you have an IG account, come visit me there! (@mysassysushi)

I'm doing good. I just celebrated my 4th birthday last September 13. No big celebration, just a very intimate one with Mom and Dad. How are you?

It's me, Shoe-shi...


  1. Nice to see your pretty face again!

    1. Thank you for visiting me. I really appreciate it.

  2. You had a birthday Sushi? HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! And may you have many, MANY more birthdays to come. purrs


    1. Thank you for the well wishes. Let me just press the "publish" button and will head on to your page. Here goes...

  3. We are so happy to hear you are doing well Sushi! Happy belated birthday!!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

    1. Thank you, Sasha, Sami and Saku. Nice to see you again. 💜

  4. Happy Birthday Again Sushi,its good to see you here again and I am glad you're able to join us at the party tomorrow,you look splendid as a Captain,xx Speedy

    1. Glad Mom took time to create me another Captain Sushi. Tee hee... 💜

  5. Hi sweetie - so good to see you again. You are just as cute as ever. We've been fine here - I still don't get on the puter as much as I'd like cuz my typist just can't sit for long periods of time.

    1. It's okay if you don't get to the puter much. At least you are still online on most days. I'm just dropping by to say HI to my furiends here. I hope I get to use the puter again after this. Mom is soooo busy. Glad to see you again, Mario. 💜

  6. We miss seein' you here in blogville and at scouts Sushi, but we's glad to have you on da ig. Happy belated Meowday to you. We know your day was purrfect cuz we know how much you're luvved. We's sendin' big hugs to you all.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

    1. Hi Dezi and Raena. By the way, I don't recall Raena. But HI there! I'm so behind with blogging. Way behind! Glad to see you again, my furiend! 💜

  7. Happy belated birthday, sweetie♥


  8. We're so happy to see you today, Sushi. Glad you're doing well. We'll see you on IG too!

  9. SUSHI! We just saw your post at Speedy's and were thrilled to see you posting again!

    The Florida Furkids

    1. Hi there, furiends! Heading there in a bit. 💜

  10. Hi Dear Sushi......HAPPY 4TH BIRTHDAY.....we don't have Instagram here as Mom can barely keep up with my blog and Cat Scouts as it is (!!!) but I'm glad so many of our mutual friends are in touch with you. We do miss you at Scouts and your sweet face and updates here on your blog though and it's absolutely WONDERFUL to know that you're doing well. I send you big hugs.......

    Love, Sammy

    1. Hugs to you too, Sammy. I miss Scouts too. I hope Denmaster will allow me to visit before the year ends. I completely understand how busy your Mom is. Mine is too. 💜

  11. Heya Sushi!! We found woo on Instagram too!! Happy belated birthday!

    Timber an Nuk

    1. Hey there! Thank you! Did you follow me on IG? What's your account name there so I can follow you. 💜

  12. ~~~~~~ waves two ewe sushi; its grate ta heer frum ewe again....happee bee lated birthday two ewe N heerz two a yeer a head filled with happee nezz & health....we iz knot on insta gam sew we hope ya stop bye thiz way again soon ~~~~~~~ ♥♥♥♥♥

    1. Hi there! *waves back* Thank you. I missed you! Hehe... Will visit again soon. I'm only taking advantage of Mom's super little free time. 💜

  13. Sushi, It is so good to see you. We sure do miss you at Scouts. You are looking meowvolous! We are on Instagram now; though, Mom doesn't post much. We will go over and follow you. Did you hear that Allie and I got married in July and Sampson married my sister, Astrid, in June. Take good care of yourself. Hugs and purrs, your friend, Mau

    1. Hi Mau! I miss Scouts too. I saw you on IG. Will go visit in a while. Wow! Congratulations to you and Allie. Sampson and Astrid too. I am sooooo happy for you guys! 💜

  14. Shoe-sh..... LOVE IT! Love that picture of you, too. Purrs, Seville.

  15. Great to see you. We hope you enjoyed a wonderful birthday celebration with lots of treats and new toys. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful day.
    World of Animals



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