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Saturday, September 20, 2014

Random Thoughts

 Hello everyone!

I want to do some social duties and ask everyone to please help. This is not for me, but for some less fortunate furiends in my country. 

CARA (Compassion and Responsiblility for Animals) Welfare Philippines is an organization that rescues street animals and find them a furever home. Recently they rescued Paco

Paco is a homeless woofie that was spotted one rainy night near the corner of South Luzon Express Way soaking wet and scavenging for food. He's suffering from several wounds and needed immediate help. He's currently being treated for his skin ailments and worms. 

Donations in any amount will go a long way. Please visit CARA's FB page to know more on how to help Paco. May God bless your good heart for helping.


On a lighter note, I was featured at Pet Express' Pawsome Christmas Countdown. I was # 98. Mom uploaded my photo and told them if I have been naughty or nice this year. Of course Mom said I was NICE! That's very good, Mom. I will get a treat from Whiskas and will be part of their online raffle. Yey!

Like me on their Instagram @petexpressph and their FB page at Pet Express. Thank you!!!

I also pawticipated on Speedy's Talk like a Pirate and Anniversary Pawty! Oh, what fun seeing different pirate costumes and the foodies... Yummy!

Thanks, Speedy, for hosting!

My official entry

That's all fur today! Love, love, love!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Thank You!!!

Special thank you to Sammy for this bootiful e-card he sent me.

Thank you, Sammy!

Till next year...

Saturday, September 13, 2014

It's My Birthday!

Today, I turn two.

And I get to spend it with all of you! I'm happy that Mom took some time to organize this little get together for my second birthday. 

This is what Mom got me...

And this cake too...

Which I will share with all of my guests. 

Now let's partey!!!

Help yourselves and enjoy!

(Music playing in the background: I Will Never Let You Down by Rita Ora)


Clockwise: Sweet and Spicy Bacon Wrapped Meatballs, Spanakopita Bites, Shrimp Taco Bites and Blackberry Brie Bites

Main Course

Clockwise: Grilled Shrimp Skewer, Crispy Ravioli, Tomato Crostini with Whipped Feta, Cream Avocado and Cheese Pasta

Clockwise: Asian Marinated Salmon Fillet, Glazed Lamb Chops, Avocado and Tomato Salad, Three
Cheese Zucchini Stuffed Lasagna Rolls


Clockwise: Peach-Mint Green Tea, Watermelon Smoothie, Lemonade, Refreshing Mojito


Clockwise: Strawberry Yogurt Popsicles, Frozen Banana Penguins, Mint Chocolate Chip Cheescake Brownies, Carrot Cake


Of course!

These are what the humans get to eat. Tee hee... 

I hope you are enjoying the pawty! 

Before anycat leaves, please get a loot bag full of kitty goodies. 

Thank you very much for pawtying with me and making this day very special. I love y'all!

Kitty (((Hugs)))!!!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Writer's Tour and an Invite

This post has been long over due. I'm really sorry for that, but please know that I haven't forgotten it yet. Mom, as you all know, is very busy... All the time.

Anyway, this Writer's Tour post has been passed on to me by Dezi and Mom Audra of Dezizworld last August 10. Yup! You read it correctly. Meow! What date is today??? See what I mean?

There are a few rules here... Let's see...
1) I need to mention and link to the blog that invited me - Check!
2) Answer three questions - Mom will go into that in a while.
3) Invite three other bloggers to write and link - I may have to bend this rule a little bit. See, I'm purrty sure that a lot of you have already done this and I don't want to be redundant. So what I will do is put an open invitation to anycat who hasn't done this yet. Just link back to me when you do. Deal?

Now on to our questions. I'm letting Mom answer because she's the one helping me post and she's the one who's always busy... Tee hee...

1) What am I working on?

A lot! My plate is always full nowadays. As they say, when it rains it pours. That's exactly the case with me now. I still try to squeeze in some blogging time for myself and Sushi, but I couldn't do it as often as I would want to. Some days when I'm free (from work), I just want to relax and chill. I must admit, blogging time has taken a back seat lately. What am I working on now? Aside from my demanding work? Well, next week is Sushi's 2nd birthday. I already ordered a cake for her which we will be sharing with her bloggy furiends. Nothing major this year. I plan to keep it simple.

2) Why do I write what I do?

When I started a blog for Sushi, my intention was to document things happening to her as much as I could. And I guess that is still the case now. Although we're blogging less lately, I still make it a point to blog what I think is important or significant in Sushi's life. The friends we gained along the way are definitely a major bonus! What I planned to be just an "online diary" for simple documentation, turned out to be a whole lot of fun with interactions among pet parents.

3) How does my writing process work?

I write anything and everything under the sun. I write when things are good and when things aren't. I write whenever I feel like it (which is not the case now because of my hectic schedule. Even when I want to blog, most days my time won't permit me to). I write from the heart and for fun. The number one rule I will never ever break when blogging is HONESTY.  It's like what you see is what you get. No pretention.

So there. That was my Mom. On a lighter note...

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