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Sunday, August 31, 2014

Pet Express' Cat Craze

Mom, Ate Apple and I went to an event at SM City North Edsa.

Dr. Lani Acero talked about Health and Nutrition for cats by Whiskas.

I met a lot of kitties during the event, but I wasn't really in the mood to mingle. There were a lot of people around and I felt very stressed. They took photos of me. I felt like a celebrity. Tee hee...

Mom on the other hand was having fun at Fancy Feast's Cat Crafternoon. She pawticipated and created this shirt. 

We didn't win (Mom is not artsy you know...), but she obviously had a lot of fun!

I also had some photos taken with the other kitties and their humans.

Magwai and Dad Myko

Shawn and Mom Jona of Pawsomecats

Till the next event...

PeeEss: I will be doing the Writer's Tour post next by Dezi.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Hello Again

Hi furiends! I hope you still remember me. I sure miss all of you, but what can I do? I'm at the mercy of Mom when she'll have the time to help me post.

Anyway, I'm all good. My paws and ears are now completely healed. My swollen lower lip is not swollen anymore. Thank cod! I'm back to normal. My trip to the vet is becoming less and less. Although this weekend I'm scheduled for another shot. That's okay. I'm ready for that.

Mom's schedule is crazier than ever. She's always out. That leaves me and my yaya Apple at home most of the time. I'm okay with that too as long as she feeds me well. The good news is Mom is up for a purrmotion. When that happens first quarter of next year, that would mean extra $$$ (Peso in our currency). Extra $$$ means new toys and lotsa noms. So I won't complain. 

Anyhoo, will read blogs a little bit at a time so as not to tire Mom too much. She had a flare (according to her doctor) because of lupus rash attack. Both her legs look like the map of the world! Yuckness! No pain which she's very grateful for except for the rashes that are very ugly and itchy. 

My birthday is coming up next month. I'm turning two very soon. Mom is already planning for my small house pawty. I'm a little bit excited, but not too much yet.  Tee hee... 

I'll see you around!

PeeEss: Mom and I are very saddened about what happened to our very dear furiend, Sparkle. She will be furever loved and remembered... Fly high, sweet furiend... Fly high...

Monday, August 4, 2014

My New Stuff

Look at what Mom got me!

I can't wait to get my paws on that scratcher.

I love my new Kong Naturals Cat Scratcher. This won't hurt my paw anymore and what's pawsome is that it came with a small bag of catnip. 

Now let's try this!

Did you see my new Replendish? OMC! When I saw this in Goro and Niko's blog, I begged Mom to get me one. We tried to order one at Amazon, but most products there couldn't be shipped to the Philippines. Last night, on her way home from church, Mom decided to drop by a mall to get me some chow. Lo and behold! She saw the Replendish by Petmate displayed on the shelf. Exactly the same as what I like from Goro and Niko's blog, but I think mine is the teeny tiny one. I got the .5 gallon. It's $8.72 at Amazon, but we got ours at $24. As you can see, it's pricey here, but we're ecstatic that SOME cat stuff we see on other blogs are available in this pet store. They don't have the Scratch Lounge though. =( 

Gulp... Gulp... Gulp... 

Anyway, it's my first time to taste Halo's Spot's Stew Wholesome Chicken Recipe. And I LOVE IT!!!  This 3 lbs bag of kibble costs $25. 

Hmmm... I love you, Halo.  Nom... Nom... Nom...

Thank you, Mom! You're the bestest!

The Mom here...

These cost me quite a bit. Maybe it's not much when you're earning $$$, but exchange rate is Php43 to a dollar. Sushi loves the Replendish a lot! She drinks more now which is good. She also loves her new scratcher and she goes gaga over her new kibble. Seeing her happy with all her new stuff makes me happy too.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Easy Like Sunday

Hmmmm... I love the feel of cool breeze on my fur.

Have an easy everyone!

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