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Saturday, August 31, 2013

A Teeny Weeny Favor

Mom is busy again. She's workin' on something. I don't want to disturb her because I don't want to ruin my chances of blogging again today and the next day and the next...


By the way, I need a teeny weeny favor from y'all.  Would you please email me your home address because I want to send greeting cards to my friends including YOU.  I love surprises and I know you do too. Who wouldn't want a nice surprise, right?  Just don't leave your address on my comment box.  That wouldn't be a good idea. Here's my email addy - mysushigirl777@gmail.com. I will respond to your email once I get it.

Have a nice Saturday y'all!  =)

Friday, August 30, 2013

My Morning Routine

This is what Mom and I do in the morning when she wakes up.

She brings me out to the balcony to feel the cool breeze which I like very much.

Okay, Mom, I've had enough...

Now, where did Ate Emy keep my mousie? I left it here last time...

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Monday, August 26, 2013

My Crazy Mom

... Got some native oranges.  Ate them.  Didn't even give me some.  Hmph! 

Then she put the sticker on my nosie!  I heard them laugh out loud.


Crazy humans!

Sunday, August 25, 2013


Can you see me?  I discovered this spot to be colder than the rest of the house, especially when there was a typhoon a week ago.  I love it here!

Thursday, August 22, 2013


Can somebody teach Momma how to use the annoying flashy box? Teach her angles please.  She's so bad at it. Look at me! I look like a red-eyed cat zombie here.

Anyhoo, I'm taking advantage of the time while Momma isn't as busy yet. I've been good so she'll allow me to use the puter. So far, so good. By the way, the hedgehog in a cage I posted the other day wasn't my pet.  It was our neighbor's.  She didn't want me too close to it because she said I might get hurt.

I heard Momma and Ate Emy talking one day.  Ate Emy said she saw two cute kitties on the sidewalk on her way home.  They look hungry and cold.  Somebody might have left those kitties on purpose to get rid of them. Yup, some humans (here) do that especially to kitties.  I heard a lot of scary stories about that. Momma told her to go back and get those two, but when she got there, they were gone.  Maybe somebody took them home. I could've had a sisfur and a brofur. I wonder if they were taken to their forever home...

Furriends, I will be turning ONE on September 13. Momma has been telling me how she wants to celebrate my birthday.  I said I want to invite my furriends online for a par-tey. She agreed!  Woot!  I'm excited!!!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Rainy Tuesday

Hello furriends!

It's been raining all day since Saturday.  I love this weather!

I miss y'all!  How's everybody doing? I thought I never get the chance to blog again and see my furriends here.  Momma had been so crazy busy with so many stuff.  Not even sure if those stuff were important... More important than me and my blogging? I was climbing her bed each morning, hoping she'd wake up and remember it has been like decades since I last saw my bloggy friends.


Finally today is THE day I get to convince her it's time.


Mom said this is a hedgehog.  Hmm... spiky hair.

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